Winter has Come - Time to Arm Yourself With Manuka Honey Against Coughs and Colds

Winter has Come - Time to Arm Yourself With Manuka Honey Against Coughs and Colds

Winter has come, and as sniffles and colds have taken hold of some of you - you have a choice to make. Pick the same old cold medicine in your medicine cabinet or go to the kitchen to look for traditional remedies.

Thankfully, there is one traditional medicine that even science has started to agree on - Manuka Honey. From the Manuka trees in New Zealand, this monofloral honey works its charm through various health issues. But it has no parallel when it comes to cold. Mildly sweet to taste, dark in looks, and more viscous than traditional honey when it comes to texture, manuka honey has what it takes to tackle that tickle in your throat and make you enjoy the winter without worrying about the baggage of cold that comes with it.

But what is Manuka Honey’s role in fixing the cold?

Getting recognised from the scientific community

While it was more than 40 years ago that Manuka Honey’s efficacy was realised by modern science, honey has only now been granted approval from the scientific community. Public Health England has stepped up and recommends that Manuka Honey is effective when dealing with cough, sore throat, or a runny nose.

Antibiotics work their charm, but Manuka Honey might be a better option if you want that impact without any side effects.

These scientific discoveries have made Manuka Honey so popular that more from the intellectual communities are stepping up to do even more research. From helping burn victims to reducing inflammation, the places where Manuka honey can venture to are wide. But the MGO is the most interesting part of this product. Short for Methylglyoxal, MGO is the element giving Manuka honey its efficacy. It is why everyone from the healthiest of grandmas to even some of the staunchest modern scientists is rallying behind it.

How powerful does the honey need to be to deal with the cold?

The higher the MGO concentration in Manuka honey, the more powerful it will be. But don’t equate a higher MGO to suitability. A mild cold is mild and requires a Manuka honey of mild strength, which means you need no more than MGO 250+.

Just drop a dollop of Manuka honey into warm water and have a sip. Wait for the honey to work magic, and you will get instant relief.

You can go a bit lower if you want Manuka honey for things other than cold relief, such as a sweet alternative. Also, having a sweet tooth has always been marked as bad for oral health. With Manuka honey, your oral hygiene can supposedly improve.

How do you use Manuka Honey to deal with cold and sore throats?

Grab a jar of 300 MGO Manuka honey, and you have support for cough and cold in your hands. Use it however you like. You can eat a teaspoon, 30 mins before food. But we understand that the texture might not be for everyone. So, here are some of the recipes for you to choose from instead.

Manuka Honey tea

Combine the best of both worlds with this cure. Tea is already considered a good remedy for cold, and with a few cut-up pieces of ginger, cold won’t be able to hold you. However, if you want the tea to be sweet, substitute the sugar in your tea with Manuka honey. Manuka honey will bring its own MGO-powered goodness to the honey to relax your throat and make you feel strong.

Manuka Honey lozenges

Looking for something stronger than tea? How about tea-flavoured lozenges with a dash of manuka honey to give it sweetness? Fill a saucepan with water and squeeze a tea bag over it. Allow the team to cool, and put a sachet of gelatin over the tea. Heat it to medium, and stir every three minutes. Remove that mixture from the stove, let it cool, and add Manuka honey. Stir the blend until you reach a creamy consistency, and put the mixture inside a gummy mould. Refrigerate for one hour, and you will have your own Manuka honey lozenge. Or if you wish we have some Manuka honey lozenges with Vitamin C for you.

How to take manuka honey for a cough

To effectively use Manuka honey for a cough, take a teaspoon of Manuka honey directly three times a day. For enhanced relief, you can mix the honey with warm water or herbal tea and drink it slowly, allowing it to coat your throat. Another effective method is to create a soothing Manuka honey syrup by combining it with lemon juice and ginger; take a tablespoon of this mixture as needed throughout the day. For persistent nighttime coughs, a spoonful of Manuka honey before bed can help ease throat irritation and provide a more restful sleep. This natural remedy not only soothes the throat but also leverages the honey’s antimicrobial properties to combat the underlying causes of the cough.

Grab The Best Manuka Honey From Melora Today

Winter will last for months. So, now is the time to stack up your shelves with Manuka honey. Grab yourself a jar or a squeeze bottle of the most renowned Manuka honey in the world.

Arm yourself against the cold with Melora Manuka honey today.

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