Manuka Honey Is Great to Keep Your Pets Healthy In These Changing Seasons

Manuka Honey Is Great to Keep Your Pets Healthy In These Changing Seasons

If you think humans have the sole right over the perks of Manuka honey, think again. The honey's antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral nature transcend the species. And if your dog or cat has gotten a sweet tooth, you would be better off picking Manuka honey as a better, healthier alternative.

Grown from the plant, scientifically known as Leptospermum Scoparium, Manuka honey is native to New Zealand. Thicker, less sweet, and earthier, Manuka honey has been part of traditional medicine since the 80s. And now that even medical research is being done to test the efficacy of this product, you would miss out on a natural remedy if you are worried about your pets every so often.

What makes Manuka honey special for every species on planet earth?

Honey has, for a long time, been a part of our traditional remedy repertoire. While medical sciences have evolved, and we have mostly stopped looking at nature in hopes of finding natural remedies, honey still prevails. Our grandparents, even our parents, whipped out a jar of honey whenever we had coughs and colds when we were little.

So, it is only natural for us for a version of honey that cranks the healing properties of traditional honey up to 11 - and that's how we found Manuka honey.

What makes Manuka Honey special, however, are three main ingredients.

  1. Methylglyoxal - Always shorted to MGO, Methylglyoxal has strong therapeutic benefits, most of which revolve around the honey's healing powers and gives Manuka its antibacterial and Antifungal properties.
  2. Dihydroxyacetone - Found in the nectar of Manuka leaves, Dihydroxyacetone is converted into MGO after it is processed.
  3. Leptosperin - Leptosperin is what gives Manuka honey its authenticity.

These chemicals give Manuka honey the following properties.


An inflated or cut skin creates an excess fluid that hardens with time, which makes the injury more painful. Manuka honey is a great diluent. Applying it on the swollen region allows the access liquid to be diluted. Dilution ensures that the skin is moist and that the wounds heal fast. Also, Manuka honey uses this osmolarity to draw out dangerous bacteria from the damage, preventing the injury from creating more trouble down the line.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Bees naturally have access to an enzyme called Glucose oxidase, some of which enter the honey they make once they pollinate Manuka plants. Glucose oxidase breaks down into gluconic acid, and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide is released in Manuka honey.

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant, helping wounds heal faster while preventing bacteria from aggravating the injury.

Lower PH

The slightly acidic honey, with a low PH of 3.9, doesn't allow bacteria to thrive. Therefore, most modern medicine also includes Manuka honey and uses it in conjunction with other remedies to help burn victims. Also, this acidic quality encourages red blood cell growth and accelerates the healing process.


While this honey has proven immensely beneficial to humans, why are we now using the same product for our pets?

Pets and Manuka honey - an unlikely but useful combination

When it comes down to it, pets, like us, are organic beings. And when cats and dogs are part of the conversation, we are talking about mammals, with many of the same bio-mechanics as the human body, Which is why Manuka honey proves to be as effective for pets as it does for humans.

Here are the five reasons why Manuka honey is suitable for pets.

Manuka honey offers prebiotic support for gut health

90% of a dog's immune system relies on its gut health. If your pet's gut is healthy, it is highly unlikely to suffer from many diseases.

However, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is common in dogs. That requires you to administer something that can help your pet manage the number of bacteria active in the system. Manuka honey, thus, works as a balancing agent here.

It ensures that your dog's gut has a healthy presence of healthy bacteria. Gut health will help your dog develop a better immune response.

Administer manuka honey by drizzling a bit of it on snacks from time to time.

Manuka Honey delivers antioxidant protection.

With age, your dog might be unable to control most of its faculties. Unfortunately, it is also the time when cancer becomes commonplace. Considering that, you need antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of healthy cells and keep your dog healthier.

A study conducted in Saudi Arabia in this regard found that Manuka honey can lower the antioxidant effects in all beings - including dogs.

Dealing with skin diseases

Whether it is through allergies or immune-related maladies, skin disease is an increasingly growing concern among pets - especially dogs.

Enters Manuka honey, which can control the inflammation when administered over the affected skin. That's where manuka honey's osmolarity comes into play, removing the bacteria from the inflamed or rash-filled region.

To use manuka honey properly, apply a few drops of it a few times a day - two or three times would do.

First-aid kit for injury

Manuka honey's antibacterial and antiviral properties work best to heal wounds inflicted on your pets.

However, just opening a jar of Manuka honey and getting started as it is just won't do; you also need to ensure that the wound is clean before applying.

So, make sure to take your pet to the vet first. And once he has been vetted and the wound has been cleaned, mix Manuka honey with colostrum to make a wound paste. And then apply it on the wounded area.

The healing factor of Manuka honey and the texture of colostrum will combine here to give your dog pain-free healing.

Protect your pets with Manuka honey

Do you want your pets to stay safe? Dabble into the tradition provided by Melora Manuka honey, authentically sourced straight from the forests of New Zealand. Our Manuka honey offers excellent quality in both taste and benefits.

Reach out to Melora today to get your first jar.

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